
Talking about the history of CHEVIGNON means starting by telling the story of a jacket. This " flight " jacket worn by American aviation pilots in the 1950s. Beautiful, comfortable, solid. Like this other jacket, which bore the name of a Frenchman: Charles CHEVIGNON...

Its creator, Guy Azoulay, driven by his dream of America, claims a style and inspirations mainly made in the USA. Passionate about second-hand clothes, he then brought together iconic pieces from the American army, before reinventing them in what would constitute his first collection .


The brand born from this reinterpretation of pieces found in the four corners of the world will become its trademark. Very quickly, the phenomenon
CHEVIGNON is making its mark. An urban, elegant and adventurous wardrobe. Timeless. Twisting allure with nonchalance. Brilliant in its sobriety.


The famous label TOGʼs UNLIMITED and its mallard duck are created, evoking freedom, wide open spaces and outdoor sports. Recognizable among all, the embroidery of the migratory bird then becomes the emblem of the brand.

90er Jahre

During the 1990s, Chevignon established itself throughout the world and developed a large category of products through licenses.
These include a wide range of luggage, watches, accessories, such as belts, gloves, glasses etc.

The development of stationery also became a major focus and we found in colleges a certain number of pencil cases, notebooks, binders, diaries which would become essential items of the brand.


Chevignon is taking an eco-responsible turn and returning to its fundamentals. The inspirations and collections refer to the brand's first inspirations in the 80s as well as those of Guy Azoulay. Large spaces mixed with minimalist architecture are once again becoming the playground of the Chevignon man.
With its rich archives, the brand reinterprets, reinvents and reissues certain pieces that made it successful over 35 years ago.